
7 Ways to Increase Your Child’s Ideal Weight

Worried because your little one looks thinner than other children his age? Actually, if the doctor says your little one is healthy, you don’t need to worry about his weight. However, if your child’s weight is below average, there are several ways that can be done to increase your child’s weight.

The importance of calorie intake for increasing children’s weight

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There are several factors that cause children to be underweight or underweight. However, the main cause is the lack of food intake containing calories .

Therefore, increasing the intake of calorie foods is the main way to increase the weight of underweight children.  So, how many calories do children need?

Calorie requirements for children aged 2-3 years are generally around 1,000 kcal per day, while those aged 4-8 years are approximately 1,200-1,400 kcal per day.

In order to gain weight, children need at least an additional calorie intake of 300-500 kcal per day.

However, before implementing this method, it is a good idea to consult a doctor first to find out the health condition and causes of underweight in children.

As long as there is no specific medical condition that causes underweight,  increasing a child’s weight by adding calories may be the only way.

However, it is important to remember that to achieve your child’s ideal weight , you must use healthy methods to reduce the risk of other health problems.

Ways to increase children’s weight

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To increase calorie intake and increase your child’s weight, you can try the following methods.

1. Increase fat intake

Adding fat to your little one’s diet is a quick and easy way to increase calories. This is because one gram of fat provides more calories than any other source of nutrition.

However, you should still choose healthy sources of fat for your child. Unhealthy sources of fat may add weight quickly, but they do not provide the nutrients your child needs to maintain a healthy body.

To increase the intake of healthy fats, olive oil, canola oil, and butter can be used as ingredients for cooking your little one’s food.

You can also add cream sauce or melted cheese to rice, pasta or vegetables as an alternative way to add calories to your child’s diet .

2. Increase carbohydrate intake

Increasing carbohydrate intake can be an effective way to increase your child’s calorie intake and weight gain. This nutrient contributes 4 kcal per gram, although not as much as fat content.

Whole wheat bread, pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, rice, and cereals are the main sources of carbohydrates that you can choose for your daily diet.

To increase carbohydrate intake, you can provide snacks such as raisins, dried fruits, and granola. Half a cup of granola contains about 200 kcal so it is suitable to be added as a filling for pudding, yogurt, or cereal.

In addition, you can increase your little one’s daily carbohydrate intake by adding honey or fruit juice to fresh fruits or oatmeal cereal. This method is effective in increasing your child’s carbohydrate intake without changing much of their diet.

3. Increase protein intake

The third source of calories that can also help increase your child’s weight is protein. Just like carbohydrates, protein also contributes 4 kcal for every gram.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , good sources of protein for gaining weight are eggs, peanut butter, bean soup, hummus, as well as milk, yogurt, and cheese.

However, other sources of protein for children can also be given, such as fish, meat, or grains. Fish and meat can be the main food for children alternately.

In between main meals, you can also provide protein-rich snacks. For example, sandwiches filled with cheese and eggs or bread sticks dipped in hummus or cheese sauce.

4. Add calories from drinks

If your little one doesn’t like eating, you can give him drinks that contain calories as a way to increase your child’s weight.

You can give your child fresh fruit juice, fresh milk, yoghurt, soy milk, milkshakes or smoothies which contain higher calories than tea or coffee.

Not only calories, these drinks are also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, which is good for your child’s bone growth.

However, make sure your child is not full just by consuming this drink. Make sure your child is still hungry at mealtimes so that he/she will still eat.

5. Eat regularly

Not just adding calories, eating regularly is also something you need to implement to increase your child’s weight. So, it’s best not to let your child miss mealtimes, okay?

Skipping meal times will deprive your little one of the opportunity to get enough calories to be active throughout the day.

Get your child into the habit of eating three meals a day and having two snacks or breaks in between normal meal times.

6. Make larger portions

To increase your child’s weight, try to give your child larger portions of food than usual, especially starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta, or potatoes.

For snacks, serve two sandwiches at a time. Provide milk in a larger glass or a large bowl for cereal.

If you can’t eat large portions, try feeding your child small portions, but often. For example, 6-8 small meals and snacks every day or if necessary every half hour.

7. Keep your child active

Even though you are looking for ways to increase your child’s weight, it does not mean that he should not be active. Physical activity actually helps develop and strengthen children’s bones and muscles.

However, the duration or frequency of physical activity in  underweight  children may be different from other children.

Therefore, you should consult a doctor to get proper guidance regarding physical activity for your child.


If a child’s weight is below the ideal number without a specific medical condition causing it, adding calories through food is the main key to increasing the child’s weight. Additional calorie intake of around 300-500 kcal per day is needed, depending on the child’s age.

Some ways to increase your child’s calorie intake include increasing the intake of healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein. High-calorie drinks such as fresh milk or smoothies can also help.

It is also important to maintain a regular diet, provide larger portions of food, and stay physically active. Consult all of these steps with your doctor to get guidance that suits your child’s specific health condition.

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