
The Importance of Iron in Soy Formula for Children Intolerant to Cow’s Milk

The condition of cow’s milk intolerance in children makes the little one unable to consume milk and its derivatives. In fact, children who are not suitable for cow’s milk need nutritional intake, such as iron, vitamin C and other minerals. In order to deal with it, here are some things that need to be understood regarding the provision of nutrition and vitamins for children who are not suitable for cow’s milk.

Get to know nutrition for children who are not suited to cow’s milk

Cow’s milk is known as the best source of nutrition. In fact, not only calcium, cow’s milk also contains various other nutrients, such as protein, iron, and vitamins that make it beneficial for children’s growth.

However, the rejection reaction that occurs in the bodies of some children who are not suited to cow’s milk means that the nutrients contained in the milk cannot be absorbed properly.

As a result, cow’s milk products and their derivatives should be avoided, as they can trigger the risk of children being malnourished.

In order to meet their nutritional needs, children who are intolerant to cow’s milk need to get nutritional intake from food, especially food that contains a lot of iron.

Because, some children who are not suitable for cow’s milk are relatively at risk of experiencing iron deficiency . In fact, iron is useful in supporting the growth and cognitive development of children.

Some foods that are rich in iron include:

  • Egg
  • Fish
  • Chicken, beef, or goat meat
  • Chicken liver or beef liver
  • Green vegetables, such as spinach or broccoli
  • Nuts

Unfortunately, not all children can meet their daily iron needs due to allergies that limit them from consuming certain foods.

In addition, iron requirements are not sufficient if only met from food intake, children also still need to consume milk to meet their daily iron requirements.

When providing iron-containing intake in the form of milk, make sure you provide the right formula milk for your child, especially if he or she is not suited to cow’s milk.

You can give him soya formula milk which can still ensure his nutritional needs are met.

Nutrition for children is not suitable for cow’s milk

Children who are not suitable for cow’s milk require complete nutritional intake so that they can continue to grow optimally.

If your little one lacks various nutrients, this will make them susceptible to various diseases, such as infections.

Not only that, lack of nutritional intake can also increase the risk of developmental disorders , nervous system, as well as bones and teeth.

Of course, all diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies risk disrupting your little one’s growth process.

Even though your little one cannot get all the nutrients from cow’s milk due to a condition that does not suit cow’s milk, you can look for other food sources to replace cow’s milk so that nutritional intake can still be met.

Some substitute foods that you can give to your little one include:

  • fish,
  • egg,
  • beef liver,
  • spinach,
  • broccoli,
  • nuts, and so on.

This intake contains quite varied nutrients, such as iron and vitamins.

Do you know?

The presence of iron and vitamins in food can maximize the absorption of minerals from the intake. One example is vitamin C which can help the absorption of iron.

By consuming foods that contain iron and vitamin C, this will make the iron more easily absorbed because of the right molar combination of iron and vitamin C , such as IronC.

This is very important considering that children who are not suitable for cow’s milk are at risk of iron deficiency.

Lack of iron intake over a long period of time can cause children to experience iron deficiency anemia, growth disorders, and delays in the learning process.

Therefore, fulfilling IronC intake is very important for the growth of children who are not suitable for cow’s milk.

How to get iron and vitamin C intake?

As previously explained, iron and vitamin C intake is very important for children who are intolerant to cow’s milk.

What You Need to Know

In addition to providing food rich in these two nutrients to your little one, you can also give him alternative milk to replace cow’s milk, such as soy protein isolate- based milk , which contains a combination of iron and vitamin C.

You can choose soy formula milk which is also equipped with various nutrients such as a combination of vitamin C and iron, DHA, and omega 3&6 which can support the growth of your baby.

That way, you don’t have to worry about your little one’s condition anymore. Make sure you always consult a doctor regarding your child’s condition to get the right advice.

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