
Children Forget Easily, Do Parents Need to Be Alert or Not?

Forgetting is a normal reaction, both in adults and children. However, parents often experience their own anxiety when their children forget almost every day. Actually, what causes children to forget easily and what are the characteristics that indicate the boundaries between normal and abnormal forgetfulness? Here is the explanation.

What are the characteristics of forgetting in normal children?

As previously explained, forgetting is a normal thing that can happen to everyone, including children. 

If it happens once in a while, this forgetfulness reaction is actually normal. However, when it happens too often and every day, to the point of disrupting daily activities, this needs to be a concern for parents. 

Summarizing from the Harvard Health site , here are some characteristics of normal forgetfulness reactions and there is no need to worry too much if they occur in children.

1. Forgetting events from time to time (transient)

At this stage, children usually forget events and incidents that have occurred previously. 

This is also characterized by children who easily forget the information they have learned.

However, basically human memory has qualities that require the brain to use or eliminate the information. 

Although this may seem like a sign of human memory weakness , some scientists consider it beneficial because it can clear the brain of unused memories.

This way, it can make way for newer, more useful memories. 

2. Forgetting due to not being focused ( absent-mindedness )

This type of forgetting occurs when a child does not pay enough attention or is not focused on what they were doing previously. 

For example, when a child forgets where he put his colored pencils. This could be because the child is not focused when putting the colored pencils, for example because he is thinking about something else.

As a result, when the brain tries to remember where the colored pencils are, the child’s storage memory cannot provide the information needed.

3. Forgetting due to memory that cannot be recalled ( blocking )

An example of a child or young person who often forgets due to blocking is a child who remembers that there was an important message from their teacher this afternoon, but they forget what the message was. 

Temporary inability to recall memories is common in both children and adults.

This is still normal, as long as the child is told again about the teacher’s message, such as to wear a ceremonial hat, the child remembers it again.

4. Misunderstanding of detailed information ( misattribution )

This forgetting process occurs when he actually remembers an event accurately. However, when it is thrown out there are some wrong details such as time, place, and people involved.

In addition, this type of forgetfulness occurs when your little one feels that the thoughts he has are really his own, even though they actually come from his imagination. 

This makes the child seem like he is lying, because he has completely forgotten that what he just told did not really happen, but was just a product of his imagination.

What are the characteristics of an abnormally forgetful child?

Unlike normal forgetfulness, this type of forgetfulness is usually more complicated, accompanied by other unusual behaviors, such as the following. 

  • Long pauses when recalling events or choosing words.
  • Repeating the same conversation over and over again.
  • There are changes in mood and personality.
  • Cannot focus on completing assigned tasks.
  • Doesn’t pay attention when other people talk to him so he can’t repeat commands or even carry them out.
  • Having difficulty recording assignments given at school.

If your child forgets things easily and shows these characteristics, then this is a warning sign for you and your partner not to take it lightly.

So, why do children forget easily?

Actually, the main cause of forgetfulness is age. This is the cause of increasing age, the elderly will experience a decline in memory. 

However, the causes of children forgetting easily can be different from adults. Here are some possibilities.

1. Fatigue and lack of sleep 

According to the Alzheimer’s website , lack of sleep can make it more difficult for the brain to process information and store new memories in long-term memory. 

When children lack sleep , their brains do not have time to organize and store information properly. This makes it easier for them to forget new things they learn or causes children to forget easily. 

2. Malnutrition 

Malnutrition can also be the answer to why children forget easily. One of them is the lack of vitamin B12 intake which is usually obtained from dairy products, fish, and meat. 

This is because the brain needs sufficient nutrition to function properly, including processing and storing information. 

3. Stres 

Children feeling stressed because of too much schoolwork or parental demands can make it harder for them to focus, think clearly, and learn new information. 

This is what can make it difficult for children to receive information and form it into new and long-term memories. 

4. Side effects of drugs 

Some medications can significantly affect the ability to think and remember clearly, especially if they affect the function or nervous system. 

Medications such as tranquilizers can interfere with a child’s memory or concentration. In addition, medications containing steroids or sleeping pills can also cause side effects such as confusion or cognitive impairment .  

5. Certain health problems 

Certain health conditions, such as ADHD, can also be the cause of your little one’s forgetfulness. This is because children with ADHD often have difficulty maintaining focus, which can make them forget information they have just received easily. 

Several other conditions that can also cause children to forget easily are heart conditions or kidney failure, head injuries, thyroid problems, and chest and urinary tract infections. 

These are some of the characteristics that your little one likes to forget which are still relatively normal and do not have a cause.

So that children do not forget easily, help improve their memory by fulfilling their nutritional needs, getting enough sleep, and doing activities together, such as playing while studying.

If you are worried about various symptoms that cause your child to forget things easily, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. 


  • Forgetting is actually a normal reaction and can happen to anyone, including children. 
  • If it only happens occasionally, it is actually still normal for a child to forget. 
  • However, if your little one forgets things easily and is accompanied by symptoms such as repeating the same conversation over and over again, not being able to focus when completing tasks given, or having difficulty writing down tasks given at school, then you should immediately take him to consult a doctor. 
  • Children who forget easily can be caused by several factors, including fatigue and lack of sleep, malnutrition, stress, side effects of medication, and certain health problems, such as ADHD. 

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